CLIB/Amiga Documentaion

    Contents: Strings

    String Concactenate Functions:
     strcat - concacrenate string
     strncat - concacrenate partial string

    String Insert Functions:
     strins - insert string into string

    String Copy Functions:
     strcpy - copy string
     stpcpy - copy string, using pointers
     strncpy - copy partial string
     strdup - duplicate string

    String Compare Functions:
     strcmp - compare string
     stricmp - compare string insesitive
     strncmp - compare partial string
     strnicmp - compare partial string insesitive

    String Search Functions:
     strstr - search for string in a string
     strpbrk - search for spesifc char in string
     strrchr - search for a char backwards
     strspn - search for non-matches
     strchr - search for a char
     strcspn - Scan unitl char found

    String Conversion Functions:
     strtod - convert string to double
     strtol - convert string to int

    String Misc Functions:
     strtok - break string into args
     strbpl - unpack string to array
     strerror - return string error
     strlen - get string length

Converted using GuideML V1.6, a converter written by Richard Körber <>